
(HR) controlling for SMEs?

Medium-sized companies with 100 to 500 employees rarely have a meaningful HR controlling system. The reasons for this are obvious

  • The existing controlling is “accounting-related”, i.e. a financial function
  • Access to personnel data, e.g. from DATEV, is difficult
  • Personnel cost planning is carried out once a year using Excel
  • Specific know-how on the topic of HR controlling is lacking
  • Existing HR systems do not offer corresponding functionality

Nevertheless, employees are by far the most important resource in the majority of medium-sized companies and also generate the majority of costs. Keeping an eye on personnel costs – also in the future, not just in the past according to the BWA – is just as important as planning and projecting turnover. Accordingly, controlling must not trivialize personnel costs by treating them as costs on accounts like other material costs. With “4PLAN HR SMO”, we are now offering a solution tailored to the needs of medium-sized companies in the above-mentioned size category.

4PLAN HR SMO at a glance

Our new product 4PLAN HR SMO offers comprehensive HR controlling “out of the box”. It contains all the interfaces, functions and evaluations that are important for HR controlling. This is based on our experience from hundreds of HR controlling projects.

The functions at a glance:

  • Planning and permanent extrapolation of personnel requirements and costs at employee, job and cost center level
  • Fee development and fee benchmark
  • Various evaluations
  • Ad-hoc analysis
  • Employee structure
  • Organisation charts

When developing 4PLAN HR SMO, we paid particular attention to providing the future user with meaningful information. This includes not only values and key figures, but also attributes on the basis of which data can be displayed in evaluations. In addition, the 4PLAN HR SMO documentation contains many explanations and tips for successful HR controlling. This makes 4PLAN HR SMO the perfect solution even for those who do not yet have many years of experience in HR controlling – because years of experience are part of the solution.

Further controlling with 4PLAN HR SMO

4PLAN HR SMO is also able to take over other parts of corporate planning and controlling. Internally, we use 4PLAN HR not only for HR controlling, but also for other controlling, particularly with regard to sales, material costs and liquidity.


The introduction of 4PLAN HR SMO is simple. The implementation guide provided is a step-by-step guide covering every aspect of the implementation. Technical knowledge is not required. The introduction is also flanked by “onboarding workshops” in which our customers are supported by experienced 4PLAN consultants.


With 4PLAN HR SMO, we offer a modern HR controlling system for companies with 100 to 500 employees. It offers a wide range of functions without being complex. Based on many years of experience, we have developed a standard model that shows our customers how they should plan, which evaluations and key figures should be considered in HR controlling and how they can recognize and react to risks. For those whose controlling beyond HR is still based on spreadsheet programs, 4PLAN HR SMO also offers the option of covering these areas with a modern software solution.

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